Why Mindset is so Powerful?

Today I need to talk about mindset because this is the center of everything.

I genuinely believe that if we have a strong mindset, we can reach the stars and beyond.

But let's start from the beginning, "what is mindset?"

Mindset is the way we see the world and the challenges in front of us, and It Is the computer inside our head that takes the decisions to every obstacle that we face in our daily life.

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And Let me tell you, not all computers are the same.

Some of us are the kind to give up on the first problem or when it seems complicated to execute,and then we have the other type, the ones that accept every difficulty as a challenge that we need to overcome.

Me? I'm the second type, I love challenges in life, and nothing has been easy or given to me until today.

I work hard for everything in life, and I never give up.

So this is why I decided to write to you about it.

I can say I'm a voice of experience.

Mindset Types

There are two different types of mindset:

Fixed - The ones with this type think that mindset is born with you, and nothing you can do to change it.

Growth - This kind of people are the ones who believe that mindset is something you can develop and make it stronger with dedication and hard work.

So now that you know the two types, what kind are you?

I'm the Growth type.

Well, if you replied, Fixed, don't worry, you are within 90% of the population. The good part is, if you want, you can change sides if you want to.

And have you seen it?

I used If you want to. This is the key, the mindset it's willpower and nothing else. And you can train your brain to achieve it.

Can you change your mindset?


Like a very famous political slogan, Yes, you can!

Like I like to say, Change your mindset, change your life!

Well, I need to tell you that this is not easy to do.

Changing mindset is hard, and it will require hard work and time.

But it's one of the most powerful things you can do.

If you are full of negative thoughts, you need to start changing and focusing on the positive side.

Learning how to recognize a negative mindset is the first step.

Once you do, your energy will change, and you will start to look to the positive side.

Just this can change your life completely.

But let's talk about other ways.

How can I make my mindset more Powerful?

Why don't we start with a quote by Budda?

"Each morning, we are born again.

What we do today is what matters most."

This spirit of facing a new day as an opportunity to start over and do better is a great way to get a more powerful mindset.

But I've others, let's see:

- Focus on Positive Friends

If we want to change and leave our negative and defeated way of thinking, we need to seek an environment of people with the same way of thinking and will to win.

They will help you stay motivated.

- Challenge your thoughts

While the process of changing thoughts from the past will come around again and we need to face them.

We can't just look the other way. We need to confront them and look to the other half of the glass. IF we have a negative thought immediately, we need to fight back and think about the same problem but just in a positive way. Example: This is too hard I can't do it -

Switch to This one “will give a fight, but eventually, I will win.”

- Only positive media Ignore bad news

This I gave up a long time ago already and it was one of my first steps.

I don't consume any more negative stories on the media anymore.

Every time I see news about something I know it will upset me or make me feel bad, I avoid it and search for a piece of happy information instead.

For example, my husband starts every day by watching on youtube a comic video while having breakfast, and like this, he starts the day laughing and in a better mood.

- Help others

Helping others that are in need is the best way to make us feel better about our lives.

Because while doing good, there is no space for negative thoughts.

All our problems suddenly look smaller when we see the hard life others are suffering.

- Change to a Healthy lifestyle

We all know that when we have a healthy body, our mind gets healthier and stronger.

And since following a healthy lifestyle can be a challenge nowadays, by doing so, you are already changing your mindset.

If we analyze well when we are not feeling well, we lose all our motivation.

So do exercise, eat well and meditate and you will feel awesome.

- Create a morning mindset routine

As soon as we get up, our brains start to test us, so we need to control them immediately. By creating a morning routine, we will stay in control, and we can keep calm and confident. So make a list of all your goals for the day. To know what to fight for makes us more eager and builds momentum for the rest of the day.

After watching my list, I like to watch a motivational video to get me pumped for battle every morning.

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Actually, I talked about this subject in my previous blog, from last week, in which you can check out the 5 ways to get morning motivation. You can check through this link: https://www.realmotherstalk.com/blog/5-ways-to-get-morning-motivation

- Create an action plan

Wishful thinking alone will take you nowhere.

You need to have a plan and execute.

I can say to myself, I will have a mega-mansion and a very successful youtube channel, but if I don't work hard for it, it will continue to be on my wishlist forever.

So plan your way to success and take action.

- Create a List of Achievements

Not only we need to keep a list of our goals, as we should keep a list of what we achieved during our crusade.

By the end of the day, you should list what you accomplished during that day.

The point here is to focus on the positive things done during the day instead of the failures.

Improving your life starts with improving your mindset.

Well, this works for me, and you may find that these steps are an excellent start for you too!

Lots of love