Banana Roll with Dark Chocolate

Have you ever wanted to make a decadent dessert with chocolate and bananas? Well then, this banana roll with dark chocolate is just what you need. It's easy to make and has very few ingredients but tastes fantastic. You can prepare this dessert in 10 minutes or less, and it will be the talk of your crowd. With the delicious combination of banana, dark chocolate, and ground almonds, it's not hard to see why people are raving about this dish.

Banana rolls with dark chocolate are a simple dessert you can even make with children. It doesn't require any complicated cooking skills, yet it looks sophisticated. You can make it instantly makes this dessert the perfect choice for any party or get-together. Your friends and family will be delighted to see a tray of banana rolls on your table.

Benefits of Banana

Banana is one of the healthiest foods out there, and it has many benefits. It's an excellent source of potassium, magnesium, and vitamins B6, C, and E. It will help you boost your energy levels while fighting fatigue and boosting your immune system. This fruit also boosts your metabolism, helping with weight management. Banana also has many medicinal uses that can be very helpful when you need to get better fast.

It's not surprising that you see bananas everywhere. They are one of the most popular fruits in the world because they are so delicious, versatile, and beneficial. Plus, if you're looking for a fruit to pack in your lunch or want to give your kids a healthy snack on the go, this is it!

Here are some benefits of bananas:

- High Potassium Content: Prevention against muscle cramping that can be caused by strenuous physical activity.

- Great for Weight Loss: If you are on a weight loss diet and looking for a snack to satisfy your sweet cravings, bananas are the perfect choice because they're low in sugar and high in fiber.

- Low Glycemic Index: Gives a steady stream of energy so you can stay focused instead of getting weak and shaky during the afternoon slump.

- Controls Blood Pressure: Potassium is an essential component of cell and body fluids that helps regulate blood pressure and maintain healthy blood vessel function. And banana is also suitable for dealing with anxiety and depression.

- Rinse It Before Eating: Bananas are rich in fibers that naturally bind cholesterol in your body.

- Helps with Wounds: Banana peels are great for getting rid of warts and itching spots on other body parts.

Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Do you know what dark chocolate is? If not, do not despair. Simply knowing the term does not mean that you are an expert. It only means that you need to explore more about the topic and learn how it can improve your life and make your body feel good. That is precisely what this post will get into- everything from the benefits of dark chocolate to the health risks involved in eating it.

Before we go into more detail, we need to know what dark chocolate is. Don't worry, it's easier than you think. The term refers to any chocolate with a higher percentage of cocoa mass. The cocoa mass is the non-sugar component that adds texture and color to the chocolate. The sugar portion of the chocolate (the sugar content itself) is usually measured at less than 50%.

Chocolate comes in two varieties: dark and regular or milk as they are generally called. The higher the cocoa mass percentage, the less sugar content the chocolate will have. This makes it a healthier option over plain or milk chocolate, mainly because it doesn't contain sugar or very little of it.

You can probably guess its benefits now that you know what dark chocolate is. So let's take a look at what it can do for your body and how you can enjoy this kind of treatment more often than you usually do:

1. Helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases:

The flavonoids and antioxidant properties play considerable roles in how this type of chocolate can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Flavonoids are a kind of bioactive compounds found in various plants and help protect each plant from infection or illness. Antioxidants serve similar functions but for the human body. These two ingredients work together to keep your blood vessels, liver, and heart-healthy even though not much research exists to prove this claim.

2. Helps reduce the risk of cancer:

An interesting fact is that cocoa beans contain a chemical called theobromine. This chemical is actually toxic to your body, and it's why you can't eat a whole bar of dark chocolate. Fortunately, your body can efficiently process it due to how quickly the chemical is metabolized. Theobromine has been proven to stop tumor growth in various studies and even those initiated only two weeks after treatment.

3. Lowers blood pressure:

Millions of people suffer from high blood pressure or hypertension. It's a significant health risk because it can lead to stroke and other severe medical conditions. Luckily, cocoa has also been lowered blood pressure in double-blind studies. The flavonols found in cocoa relax the arteries and increase vasodilation (increased blood flow) in the body. Thus, lowering blood pressure for those with hypertension issues.

About this recipe

First of all, this recipe is super simple to make and super delicious. You only need 3 ingredients. Banana, tortilla, and dark chocolate.

The first step is to melt the chocolate in a water bath. When it is completely melted, we can immediately move on to the other step, which is to take a tortilla and, with the help of a spoon, spread the dark chocolate well on the tortilla. After it's covered the way you want, we take the banana and roll it up with the tortilla. Then you can decorate to your liking. I chose to drizzle with a little melted chocolate, and finally, I added chopped almonds. It's really delicious.

The dark chocolate that I used has 52% of cacao.

I would love to hear from you if you make this simple recipe, and I bet your family will love it too!

Enjoy and do as much you will need!


  • 1 banana

  • 200 grams of dark chocolate

  • 1 tortilla

  • amêndoas