How to do a Vision Board (free template)

What is a Vision Board

A Vision Board is a tool used to help visualize goals and dreams when you have trouble focusing on one thing. You can create a Vision Board by playing with different shapes, colors, photos, and patterns or even just draw it yourself. It helps to remember what you want and know you are working towards your goal.

If you want to create a Vision Board with your kids, the easiest thing is to purchase a pre-made board or poster board and attach photos of the things you want in life to it. You can even use magazine photos and glue them onto the board. Kids love this activity.

There are a few different ways to create a vision board: Organize your pictures on a poster board in any layout that represents how you want your life to look when you're done achieving your goals.

Make your Artwork into a storyboard mood board, where you can attach different photos that represent how you want to feel.

Make your Artwork into a puzzle and create different pieces of art for each area, like "career," "home," and "family," with a space for each of them.

Use scissors to cut out pictures from magazines or collage paper and glue them onto the board. There are a lot of different ways to create a vision board.

The timeline for a vision board can be as short or as long as you want. It is entirely up to you and your goals on your vision board. But, of course, the bigger your goal, the longer it will take to accomplish it and the longer your timeline. And, if you want to get the most out of a vision board, find time every day to think about the achievements you want to accomplish in life.

A vision board doesn't have to be just one big wish list of things you want in life. This can be the greatest achievement you have in mind.

You may not see everything you want from one vision board. So you may have to make a second one.

Even with all of the different ways to create a vision board, the key thing is to keep it with you at all times so that when an obstacle arises in your life, you can refer to it and realize it's just a minor setback and that eventually, things are going to turn out great.

What to Include on Your Dream Board:

The importance of including a dream board is not just for the benefits it gives to your subconscious but also for your creativity. If you can be creative with a specific idea, it will be easier for you to come up with new thoughts or ideas. You must have certain things on your dream board to properly visualize and use your imagination effectively during sleep. These items are pens, paper, paintbrushes, and even letters from loved ones that bring about good dreams. Here is a list of some things you should consider putting on your dream board.

The Alphabet: You can use this to make sentences or words. Be sure to include some of the letters from your name in those words or sentences.

Photo by Stella Rose on Unsplash

Colors: You can use these either by themselves or blend them together to create more color combinations. These colors can represent a person, place, thing, or symbol. It's essential to include the colors of your favorite items and symbols in your dream board.

Animals: This could either represent something said to you or describe a person or object. These can be used in referring to the feelings that you would have about a person or place.

Sunsets: You could choose to use these when thinking about a dream board for whatever purpose you are trying to accomplish.

Birthday and Anniversary Dates: These represent special dates in your life. If there is something that you would like to draw from these dates, you can use the words of a song or the title of a book.

Scent: You can choose to use this to capture an event in your mind. Perhaps there was something that happened that involved smell or a specific smell.

Memories: You can choose to include these in your dream board. Instead of putting them on your board, you could put them into the margins of a book that you are reading.

Your Name/Families Name/Relatives Name – You could use these to remember a sensation associated with each person or family you have. When drawing something from your dream board, you should use lines if possible. When you include lines, it will make it easier to recall the image you were drawing.

Time: You could use the hours of the day or night to remember a certain feeling.

Anything Else: The possibilities are endless when creating a dream board. Just be sure to include those things that mean something important to you.

Hope this was helpful for you.

See you next week

Lots of love