You can do a pause, but never give up!

You can do a pause, but never give up.

Have you ever been stuck in a rut and had no idea how to get out? Wherever you turn, the problem seems insurmountable; no matter how hard you try, nothing seems to change. These negative thoughts and emotions seem to be sucking the life out of you—let them go. You can do a pause, but never give up on your dreams or on yourself.

Do not give up on your dreams. You can do it!

You can do it if you really want it.

Your dream is worth fighting for, and you are worth fighting for. If we don't fight for what we want the way we want, we will never get the results we seek. The way to achieve the desired results is not by yourself. You can do a pause, but never give up on your dreams or on yourself.

Keep fighting, and keep going. You can do it!.

Please take this journey with me as we discuss three major themes that I want to address in this article:

1) The Theme of Unsatisfiedness

2) The Theme of Control

and 3) The "Hang In There" to continue the strategy—Don't Give Up.

I will be using the story of Noah's Ark to illustrate how these three themes play out in our lives.

Noah was a man who dealt with the theme of Unsatisfiedness.

Noah had a dream of building an ark, but it seems that everyone he talked to thought he was crazy; except his family. However, Noah's family believed in him so much that they decided to help him build this ark and take on this crazy journey with him. Even though people laughed at Noah and made fun of his plan, he did not give up because he knew that this was meant to be deep down inside himself.

Noah faced a lot of problems on this journey. Some days Noah would be in a difficult situation, and it would seem that there was no way out of it. However, there were some days when the conditions grew even worse, and by the end of the day, Noah did not have an answer for what to do next—this is where we get to the theme of control.

"Noah had control over what he could do, but life always seemed to have control over what he could not do."

Just because life has control over your situation does not mean that you give up on your talents and abilities! However, to get out of your rut, you have to take back control over your situation. This is how you can handle and defeat the theme of control.

However, it would seem that Noah could not do this when he needed to the most. In fact, at one point, Noah had no control over his destiny because every time God tried to move him forward unexpectedly, something came along that caused him to back up and pause.

The three themes of Unsatisfiedness, Control, and "Hang in there" are outlined in a story called "Noah's Ark." In the story, we read about how Noah wanted to build an ark for safety from his sinful world, but people just thought he was crazy for doing so.

Noah's Ark

I would like to propose how these three themes develop about success. First, how can we control our environment to complete the task we set out for ourselves? How do we handle certain situations so that they become easier to accomplish? And lastly, how can we address unforeseen challenges that come along the way so that they don't cause us to lose faith and determination.

To understand this story a little bit better, I want you to imagine your life as a storyboard. Go back and read the story of Noah's Ark, but this time imagine each situation as moving words on the screen of your mind.

Sometimes we all need time away from something difficult. We all need to step back and breathe for a minute. We all need to leave the room and come back with fresh eyes. But what we do not need is to quit altogether. Unfortunately, quitting is not an option for hard work, big dreams, or family obligations.

Stopping is easy. Starting something over again is hard. The same applies to our fitness routine, relationship with God / Universe, or any other goal we have in life. Pushing through the pain and keeping your head up is what makes us human. Giving up on yourself or giving up on a goal that matters to you will only lead to more pain in the end.

This has allowed me to reflect on the things that have been most challenging for me this past year, and I am happy about it because it gives me a chance to learn from my mistakes and set new goals for myself for things I must accomplish this early year.

I will share with you some links that helped and will help me so much in the process of change. Remember, most of the time, changing the road is the best way to move in the right direction!

Here are the links:

See you next week! 

Lots of love