Zucchini Burgers

Zucchini burgers are an excellent combination of sweet, savory, and crunchy. They make a perfect addition to a vegan meal and can be used as a healthy alternative to your traditional burger. You can vary them with different spices such as cumin and coriander or add some finely chopped onion for added flavor. Zucchini burgers are perfect for summer barbecues or even on the side of other dishes like pasta. They're pretty versatile, so you might find yourself enjoying them again and again!

Burgers are one of America's favorite food groups. We will eat these practically anywhere, anytime, and anyway, you can put them together. But the original burger combo is a beef patty with some sort of cheese and tomato sandwiched between two buns. If you are trying to cut back on beef or simply want a healthier burger option, then this recipe is the perfect way to do so. Instead of ground beef, you will be using grated zucchini and spices. Not only are these super easy to make, but they are also a great way to use up some of those veggies in your refrigerator. If you have any leftover meatloaf mixture from another dish, you can also use that for this recipe. Just make sure to mix all the ingredients thoroughly in a large bowl before you form them into patties. 

Benefits of Zucchini

Zucchini is one of the most underrated vegetables in existence. Sure, it's got that weird spongy texture, but you can turn this ordinary veggie into something extraordinary with a bit of creativity and effort.

If you're trying to cut down on carbs, zucchini can be an excellent substitute for pasta noodles or rice. It's also gluten-free, perfect for anyone who has celiac disease or a gluten allergy.

Zucchini is a good source of fiber, which helps to keep you full longer. It's also packed with B vitamins, magnesium, and potassium—all essential nutrients for glowing skin.

Here are eight things you probably didn't know about this underrated vegetable:

1. Zoodles (zucchini noodles) are the new pasta. At less than half the calories of regular pasta, zucchini is the perfect substitute for dishes like spaghetti or lasagna. You can use your spiralizer to make it look just like spaghetti noodles—or go all out and make a whole meal out of them. Just toss cooked noodles with a marinara or throw some pasta in with your vegetables for a secret dish.

2. Zucchini is good for you. One cup of raw zucchini has only about 20 calories, making it an excellent choice when losing weight (and doesn't leave you feeling hungry). In addition, its high fiber content and low-calorie count make it a great food for anyone trying to watch their figure or lose weight.

3. Zucchini is great if you try to avoid gluten or celiac disease. Zucchini is a gluten-free vegetable and can be substituted for other grains in any recipe that calls for pasta or noodles.

4. It's super flexible. Use your spiralizer to turn zucchini into noodles, rice, pancakes, bread, and more. Not only are they great substitutes for rice and wheat, which are very high in carbohydrates, but they're also a good source of fiber.

5. Zucchini can be used to fill the pasta void when you're trying to avoid carbs or lose weight. Zoodles noodles are a great way to say "pasta" without eating pasta. You can skip the carbs with these and still stay on a diet.

6. Zucchini is a good source of B vitamins, essential for healthy skin, hair and nails. This is excellent news for anyone who loves making their own scrubs or body lotions, as well as for anyone who suffers from dry skin or dandruff.

7. Zucchini is full of potassium, which helps to keep your heart healthy, muscles strong, and nerves calm. It's also rich in magnesium, which helps to relax your muscles and keep your blood pressure from spiking.

8. Zucchini is one of the best fruits for losing weight. It contains less than 30 calories per cup and is a good source of fiber and B vitamins, essential for healthy skin, hair, and nails, and a general sense of well-being.

Now that you know just how versatile zucchini can be, it might just be time to rethink those vegetable naysayers... because when you look at all the different ways to use it in recipes or home remedies for beauty recipes, zucchini is a pretty incredible superfood!

About this recipe

This recipe was very easy to make:

  1. We start with the zucchini.

  2. We practically grate the zucchini and rinse as much as possible.

  3. Add salt and involve

  4. We set aside (the zucchini and begin preparing the other ingredients.

I placed the egg first in a Pyrex, then the garlic, the parsley, and the zucchini. Mix well and then add the flour and mix again well.

When everything is well involved, we shape the zucchini hamburger with our hands.

In a pan, put the oil and put the hamburgers.

We remove it when we see that the zucchini hamburger is very consistent and does not break easily.

Then it's ready to serve!

I hope you like it! It's delicious!


  • 4 zucchini

  • 1 egg

  • Persil

  • 2 garlic cloves

  • 2 tbs flour (you can choose which one)