The week of Love | How was your Valentine's Day?

Valentine's Day is a time for romance and fun, and games. But, no matter what you like to do on the Day of love, I'm sure there's still room for more.

So I put together this post just to talk about our favorite date nights and Valentine crafts to help you find the perfect plan with your sweetheart, but also as a Mother showing love to your kids. It was funny because my son complained that the day of love should also include them. He said when he arrived home from school...

Ideas with your soulmate

So whether it's a long walk or cooking something special, we hope that you'll find these ideas helpful and maybe even try some of them out this year! We all know Valentine's Day can be so busy — these ideas will make it easier to spend time together, but you spend time together all year, and we should have ideas and be creative during the days of the year. Not saying every day, of course, but being able to do more fun stuff together!

Check out pictures of our best romantic date nights on Instagram and see the #dateideas tag.

Get cozy with each other and start learning! Whether it's a language, an instrument, or a new craft, there are many ways to spend time together going into something new. Cooking classes are also great for this — it could be anything from sushi to pastries, depending on what you're into.

This post is to help you and your partner find ideas for things to do together all year and not just in one day. Whether it be outdoor or indoor fun, we've got you covered.

We all know how hard it can be to come up with plans once in a while. Boyfriends and girlfriends tend to take care of their own interests, hobbies, and jobs while the other sits at home bored because they're too busy or uninterested in making an effort, right? Wrong! It's time for BOTH of you to put some thought into what will make your relationship happier-- so here are SOME ideas:

- Go rock climbing: rock climbing is a great way to get exercise and spend time together... it's also fun and safe.

Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash

- Go to a concert: they're fun, and there are so many options at your disposal! You can go to a show once or twice a month or make it an activity you do together. You could also pick up tickets for one of the larger chains that have multiple shows coming to town, such as Pink Floyd.

- Go camping: camping is always a great way to spend time doing something together, and you can use it as an excuse to go somewhere far away! It's romantic, rugged, and refreshing. Plus, you'll get some exercise as well as put your relationship above the rest in the "I'm better than this" category.

- Go dancing: goofing around in a club is a great way to spend some time with your significant other. You don't need to be a pro or get all the moves down, but you will definitely have fun.

- Go for a run: it's not just for people who are out of shape! Running is an excellent way to get outside and spend time with the one you love. If you aren't both runners, there are plenty of places to run close by.

- Try bowling: you can do it at home or go out somewhere, such as your local bowling alley (if they let you rent shoes). Bowling is a great way to spend an afternoon or evening with your loved one. It's cheap, easy to learn, and fun for both of you.

- Go shopping: why not? Sometimes it's just fun to get out and pretend that you have money! You'll also have something new and exciting to talk about when you're back home.

- Stay in: if all else fails and you don't feel like leaving the house, just take it upon yourself to clean up the house or do something that requires both of your attention so neither of you can really think about the other one. It's still a great way to spend time together, and you'll be able to chat like old friends after you're done.

- Watch a movie or TV show together or make a meal: they don't have to be classic couple activities. It's just nice to have something else going on besides hanging out at home by yourself.

- Play an instrument together: there are so many places to learn music in your area, especially if you're both musicians. It can be a fun and interesting way to spend time while being creative.

Showing love to your kids

As I said at the beginning of this post, we can also show love to our kids on the special day, but all year. As a Mother, sometimes we are so absorbed in our work or tasks from home that we forget to spend more time with our kids and say that we love them so much.

Because of that, I decided to create messages of love, and I started to put in their backpack from school, little cards with love messages. They just loved it! They truly did, and now they keep searching in their bag if they have a new card or note from Mommy. 

So, I decided to create cards with love messages that you can personalize with your signature the message on the card.

I will share with you very shortly the love cards.

Enjoy time with your kids, and I am sure they will love your love notes to them.