Book Review - Denise Duffield-Thomas - "Chillpreneur"

This is Chillpreneur, the definitive book on how to create an extreme work-life balance. This book has already helped thousands of people take control of their lives by reclaiming their time, setting boundaries in professional and personal affairs, and achieving a fulfilling work-life balance. However, it is more than a manual; it's an invaluable resource that answers many questions about life that are typically unanswered.

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In this book, you will discover 4 chapters:

· Mindset

  1. Playing the Game of Business

  2. Beliefs That Can Limit Your Success in Business

  3. Millionaire Mindset Lessons

. Business Models

  1. The Keyless Life

  2. Are You Killing the Golden Goose?

  3. Two of My Dumbest Business Mistakes

  4. Five Essentials for a Chillprenuer Business

. Money

  1. Big Pricing Mistakes

  2. How to Increase Your Prices Without Losing Clients

  3. Awkward Money Conversations Made Easy

. Marketing

  1. The 1 Percent Conversion Rule

  2. Cat Charming and Internet Dating

  3. Show up, Be Seen, and Be Heard

  4. Make Offers, Make Money

How to recognize when you have lost your passion and how to get it back.

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Chillpreneur is an easy-to-read guide designed to help you identify when your passion for a specific endeavor, and thus your business, has died. The reader meets three people who struggle with the loss of their love for their own business. One travels to the south of France to regain what he lost in his photography business, another is struggling through an emotional period after her husband's death that has left her without a creative outlet, and the third person is trying to figure out how she can be in love with both her career as a professional chef and as someone's lover.

The book then guides them through self-reflection exercises that help each person find some clarity about what truly inspires them.

Duffield-Thomas's writing style is very straightforward. Her message of self-analysis is helpful to people who have struggled with their passion. The exercises are easy enough to skip, but the book might be a helpful guide to others who want to identify what truly inspires them.

Techniques for setting boundaries with friends, family, and colleagues as well as charting out your ideal daily schedule.

This powerful book blends workbook-style exercises with principles to help you set boundaries and clear your mind of clutter. These techniques can be used in any career, any industry, and with anyone. You'll learn how to organize your day — and more importantly — your life by creating a zero-tolerance policy for toxic people, practicing "quiet time" to avoid allowing stressors to rule your thoughts, choosing experiences over things as a way of simplifying life, and living richly, among other strategies.

The key to getting your best work done and ensuring that you are not overburdened by stress is to keep your mind healthy, refreshed, and clear of distractions. Boundary-setting is a way to do that.

Author Denise Duffield-Thomas says, "Every time I'm faced with a potentially toxic situation with someone else or the outside world, I remind myself that they aren't worth my energy — or my time." This book will help you clarify your boundaries and stop allowing external factors to control you. By establishing clear limits about both the people in your life and the activities you choose to engage in each day, you'll be able to get on with what's most important.

What is it like to be a Chillpreneur?   

The world of working is changing at a rapid pace. In this ever-changing work environment, some people have made the transition into becoming a Chillpreneur instead. They work on their own terms, enjoy the freedom that comes with it, and reap the benefits of side hustles and self-employed careers.

Chillpreneurs are people who have made the transition from full-time office workers to part-time entrepreneurs; they have the flexibility of working on their own terms, whether it be at home or at a coffee shop; and they are self-employed with little or no overhead because most of their income comes from independent business ventures.

I love when the author says, "Be a contributor, not a Guru" and she's so right because we all think that we need to be experts in something to become something, and she passes the message very clearly that it's not true!

It's a good book to read, especially when you think that a life of an entrepreneur needs to be stressful, busy, and "headaches" all the time! Grab yours, I grab my audiobook! :)

Lots of love