The Benefits of The Power of Now

In this age of constant distraction and instant gratification, it's easy to become consumed with 'what ifs.' What if this experiment doesn't work? What if I don't get the job? Who will love me when I'm old and alone?

Countless people have been plagued by feelings of guilt, regret, or anxiety for being too busy to do the things they care about- because, after all, there are always more compelling distractions. The Power of Now is a self-help book that challenges readers to find peace and happiness in the present moment by becoming more aware of their own minds. And I will talk about this book now!

Eckhart Tolle was born in Germany in 1948. At the age of twenty-nine, after a traumatic break-up and an unimaginably intense period of depression, he made his way to India, searching for greater meaning in life.

After starting his own business in North America, he received a letter from a German fan who had read his book The Power of Now, published the previous year. The reader was beset by anxiety and depression but hadn't been able to make time to read the book while living with an abusive partner- so following her request for advice, Tolle sent her a copy.

This fan became a follower, and Tolle continued his correspondence with readers of The Power of Now for over twenty years. He spent two decades guiding these people through the process of spiritual awakening and sharing his own wisdom on the practice of mindfulness.

Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

The book outlines twelve steps to self-discovery, starting with death and ending with life. It teaches readers that they are not their thoughts, nor are they their bodies, feelings, or memories. Instead, these identities stem from a deeper consciousness, which is 'Now.'

I also saw the movie and believe me, it's so powerful! Everything you have in life was because of you. Everything that you will have in life will depend on you! It's us that create our way in life, and we cannot put in someone's fault our misery or bad luck. We always choose a way to go, and we need to believe it!

How many times, we listen to people saying, "I'm going to lose weight and feel good about myself, and I'm going to start in 2 weeks!" Now, I ask, why in 2 weeks and not just NOW?

For example, I put in my head that I really want to be in shape, and I started my journey in September 2017. of course, I had many ups and downs, but I was so committed to reaching my goal that I don't accept giving up. Arrived at a particular moment that I wanted to understand why I was not getting my dream. I realized that I was not focusing 100% on my goal because my head was saying, "today I can't because I will have dinner with friends and I'm going to drink, eat crap food, having fun...but wait, I can have fun, without drinking, without eating crap food and still I can make my own meal and take it with me! And don't care what others will think or say, think how you will feel in the future!

You will see results and that I'm 100% sure of it!

Now is the time

As the year winds down, now is the time to make plans and see what you want to do with your life next year. This article includes a list of important steps for making those dreams happen. Now is the time!

Steps you should follow to do it now, for making your dreams coming true for your personal and professional life:


Write down your goals in several categories: personal and professional, short term and long term. Make sure you understand each goal and the overall vision for your life.


To stay on track with your goals, develop a system to monitor your progress. One way to do this is to create checkpoints by setting up regular review dates for each goal (such as every month or every six months). At these meetings, clarify where you are with your plan, make adjustments if necessary and continue on the path towards achieving it.


To set goals that make sense, it's important to be realistic. So start with a goal that is challenging but not impossible.


When setting a major goal, break it down into smaller ones that are more manageable and easier to achieve. Just like science-driven companies break complex projects into manageable subprojects, you should do the same. For example, if you want to lose weight (a major goal), break it down by setting small goals like walking for 30 minutes on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday (smaller goals).


Though you might set your goals to achieve your own hard work, life is often too busy to complete it alone. To succeed in achieving your goals, you need a team of supporters and a system for monitoring and tracking the progress as part of a larger team. You can meet these support systems by leveraging existing relationships in your organization or building new ones outside of work.


Your influence extends beyond the scope of work to include everything about who you are as a person, including how others perceive you and what decisions they make about you.

I try to follow these steps, and when I'm not doing 100%, I felt not so good with myself, so it's crucial to do this as a habit, and life will be so much better!

I hope you like this blog post because I loved all the time.

Lots of love!