How to work in your dream project, with your 9 – 5 job


First of all, you can’t just overthink all the time, you need to take action, and believe me, this advice is coming through a perfectionist who was putting if's and but's for not taking action all the time.

If you are a mother that most of the time do things alone, living in another country, without family around and your hubby is always traveling, then this is for you! And if you are living with family and your hubby also stays around, this will be a piece of cake for you!

Putting in action the following tips will guide you how you can work in your project dream after your 9 to 5 job.

Put aside your "addictions"

To start your project, the first task is that you need to put aside all your addictions and distractions so that you can focus on your main goal – your blog project. These addiction can be social media, Netflix, games, etc., you really need to turn off a little bit of that side. I'm not saying you cannot enjoy these activities the whole week. You can spend some time in watching your favorite series or movie, or playing a few of your favorite games, just not every day.

Organize your week

When working on your dream project, efficient organizing or planning is one of the most important factors in the success of that project. Normally, I organize my weeks every Sunday and I have a daily planner. I prefer pen and paper, but for example, I organize my Blog in One Note. It's so easy and helps you a lot to organize your tasks and use all of your time productively.

Take "pockets" of time

Set small pockets (intervals) of time to complete different tasks. For example, if you need to organize your bedroom, put 30 minutes in your clock and during that time you're focused on that task and nothing else! Believe me, it works so well!

Do the same for the tasks of your project.

How to prioritize your tasks

When you organize your days, write down your main tasks first. What I mean is, give priority to what you really need to do or need to be done. Don't go for the easy or small ones first if you know it can be done in another day or any spare time. Otherwise, you'll feel unmotivated and not feeling good with yourself, because you didn't do what was most important!

And remember, taking action is the most important step to start a business. Put your ideas on the plate in reality! Don't let it be just words, or let it just on paper, put your dream project into your real life!