How to be consistent in your Business


This Sunday while doing all the household tasks, I stopped and I realized, "the key to keep my house nit was Consistency."  This made me think if we shift our focus into our business / Career, How do you become consistent in Business? And what does it even mean?

To be consistent in business means the same as your personal life. Things need to get done and we need to keep doing them to accomplish our goals. You need to define where you wanna go, define the path and how to get there, and then consistently execute the weekly tasks. Sounds easy.

So how do we keep consistency?  Well, let me share with you 5 ways or tips that will help you do it.

1 - Keep it real

When we start a new project or a new challenge in life the first thing we do is to define our goal. Which is great since we need it to know where we want to reach. But what we can't forget is that we need to keep it accessible. We need to define realistic goals in life or else this will be a big problem for us. And this is not easy, we don't want to put a goal that is too easy but also we don't want to set an impossible one. 

We all have very busy life's already. Being a mother is already a huge task now add the 9-5 job, all the domestic tasks, and don't forget the "ME TIME".  

So, keep it real. It's better to start slower by defining easy goals and increase the difficulty along the way and increase the difficulty along the way. Like this, you will not feel overwhelmed from the beginning and you will have small victories that will make you feel stronger and with the feeling of victory. 

2- Have a plan

This is another very important point, 

Benjamin Franklin said "Fail to plan and you plan to fail" And this is so true.

If you don't have a plan of how to reach your goal, how are you going to know what are your priorities?  We need to define what needs to be done in advance to adapt to our lives. And here also, another thing that we need to keep in mind, we need to adapt our lives to our goal. Not the other way around. Our goal has to be the center of our quest and the purpose of our lives from now on.

But still, we need to define a plan that works for you and that you feel comfortable with.

3- Make it a Habit

How many tasks do we do daily that we do without thinking? 

They are habits for us, Our brains have them well-identified and lead us to do them automatically. In business, we have daily tasks as well that we need to do to achieve our goals. So the best way is to create slots of habits, for example, my project habits:

Sunday - Recording day, this is the day I record my new video and planning the week

Monday - Write my new blog for the other week ( like to work in advance)

Tuesday - Take the photo for my youtube thumbnail video for other week

Wednesday - Research new topics for my new post

Thursday - Taking photos for my brand for Babies and Children

Friday -  I do a Reel for Instagram

By having this routine I can schedule all the other tasks around it and not having anything left undone and I know exactly what I'm going to do every single day. And don’t forget, most of the things are made at night, after my little ones are in bed.

In a near future I will change some business tasks, because i need to be adapted to the changes of social media for business.

4- Don't forget the why

Sometimes we can get so deep in what we are doing that we lose focus, the sight of why we started this project.

The why is our purpose, if we lose it, we will have no reason to continue. We will lose motivation and everything will become just pure tasks that we feel obliged to do it. 

The why was born from a passion, a desire that you had. So during your path to your goal if you feel a bit lost or with a lack of strength remember the why and it will boost your day.

5- Ignore the "nay day". 

All of us have days that we are not feeling well or motivated. We don't feel like doing anything, Let me tell you, it's ok. This happens to all of us. I also have moments that I just want to stay on the couch and do nothing. I call them the "NAY DAY"

And it's horrible, you feel that you failed and that you disappointed everyone and that it's over you lost your drive. 

This is not true, you just have to take the day off and pass time with your loved ones and forget the project for one day. And by doing so, you release the pressure and you come back the day after stronger than ever and with even more will than before.

As a Mompreneur or Entrepreneur, we just need to enjoy the journey! Because if we stress a lot with the things we need to do, or start to overthink we will not have the things done! Believe me, I know what I'm talking about!

Have fun and enjoy and leave in the comments what you have to say about this or what would you like to read more! I would love to hear from you!

 Lots of love