The world is changing, but don't feel guilty

No matter how much you fret, you'll never be able to control the world situation. You can have an effect, of course: by voting for politicians who share your political beliefs; by pressuring business owners to use sustainable methods and materials; by volunteering with charities that support a cause that's important to you. But ultimately, it's impossible to control the world situation. Unfortunately, with this invasion in Ukraine from Russia, it's expected that you feel scared. It's normal if you feel awkward continuing with your business and posting photos or videos happy and smiling all the time. But, you should never feel guilty about the world situation because it's your job, life, and dream to conquer. To feel better with yourself, you can help Ukrainians that were obliged to leave their country. 

Sadly, we have been living times since 1939, and for me, it was unimaginable to think that could happen again in the 21st century. 

As you know, we live in a world where you have a lot of situations that you can't control, but what you can handle it's the way you feel, the way you think, the way you see, the way you show love to others. Your attitude it's everything, don't forget that! 

What you can control

Your thoughts - your mood - your state of mind - you can control it. You have control over how you feel and what that does to how you act. If there is something out of our control, we need to learn how to better cope with it or ignore it.

But sometimes, this is not enough. Life can throw us curve balls that we never saw coming and leave us feeling powerless and helpless in the face of them.

Your actions - These are the obvious things that you can control. Your actions may not be what you think or want, but they are still your actions. If we do not exercise our power over those acts, any upset or displeasure will impact us adversely.

Your words - Some of the most profound words people say to us are those spoken in anger, frustration, and hurt. They often contain extreme language that is far more potent than their intent would suggest. These words are like a sharp knife. They can cut you deep.

Your thoughts, actions, words, and reactions - If you add these four things together and the degree of control that we hold over each other, it is pretty easy to see just how much power we have. It is also quite clear that if we can be aware of them all about where they sit in the scale of importance and influence on our lives, we can adapt them all accordingly. The best thing is choosing what influences you and what you let influence you in every situation. You can also choose not to allow outside influences to influence your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

This is where the control lies: in the choices we make. Control has a lot to do with how much we give in to our emotions and what state of mind it leaves us in; it also has a lot to do with how we choose to face each situation that comes up for us on our journey through life.

Your attitude - The only way to change a situation is to change your thinking. If we want to be successful, we need to determine our goals and then take action toward them with a strong sense of purpose. What helps us achieve the life we want is determined by what has been shown in our past and changes with time.

The most important thing is this: Do not allow anyone other than yourself to have any control over you.

How you can help people from Ukraine

We all are concerned with all this situation that the world is facing right now, and if you want to be involved in helping Ukraine, here are some links that you can be helpful:

Also, people announce on social media where we can organize and leave aid to send to Ukraine. Pharmacies, churches, Non-profit organizations, supermarkets are helping. You can search in your local area where you can help!

Remember, love conquers everything, and at this moment, we all need to be or act together to get stronger for what is coming.

Together we are stronger!

Lots of love